This blog is aimed to be a learning tool for the
SKE (Subject Knowledge Enhancement) French

London Metropolitan University.

Tower Building

Tower Building

Friday, 23 May 2014

Helpful books

If you are looking for some starting points for book-based self-study, here are some recommendations, most of which are available in the library, so it is not necessary to buy them (unless you wish to):

Grammaire en dialogues Niveau débutant, Claire Miquel + audio CD (448.2 LER)
Basic grammar integrated into dialogues, with practice exercises. There's also a vocabulary version.

501 French Verbs, C. and T. Kendris
A reference book of conjugations

Communication Progressive Du Francais (Niveau Débutant), Claire Miquel + CD-Rom
Help with situational-based language

Exercices De Vocabulaire En Contexte: Level 1/2, Broché, R Eluerd
Vocab development in context

Vocabulaire progressif du français avec 250 exercices, niveau débutant/intermédiare, Claire Miquel
Vocab development in the style of the grammar books you are using

Phonétique Progressive Du Francais, Lucile Charliaca + CD
Pronunciation help in the same style

Civilisation Progressive Du Francais: Avec 400 activites niveau débutant/intermédiare, C Carlo and M Causa
Focus on reading about French society and civilisation, with exercises

Access French 2 Support book+ CD
Mini-book with audio transcripts and CD if you want to replay any recordings covered in class

Better Reading in French, A Heminway
An intermediate level reading and vocabulary development book

And towards the end of the course:

Mot à mot, P Humberstone
An AS+ level vocabulary book

Upgrade your French, M Jubb
A review of key areas of French around A-level

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