This blog is aimed to be a learning tool for the
SKE (Subject Knowledge Enhancement) French

London Metropolitan University.

Tower Building

Tower Building

Friday, 23 May 2014

How to create your own blog


Creating a blog is really easy.You can either go to and just follow the instructions there, or if you want, you can first watch this little video on youtube (it's only 2 minutes long) which gives extra assistance:

Here's a video about how to post to your blog: your blog is ready, please let us know your blog address.

You can also put links to all your classmates' blogs on your blog. Here's a video about how to do that:

If you want to change your privacy settings, this video tells you how:

VERY IMPORTANT: Please make sure you turn off the automatic word-verification tool for comments on your blog. You can find out how to do this here. Otherwise, anytime you or someone else wants to leave a comment on a blog, you'd have to type in a long list of letters and numbers which can be very frustrating! Hope this helps to get you blogging!To get an idea of how you can create and use a blog during the course and beyond, please visit the example blogs from students in 2010 below.

Helpful books

If you are looking for some starting points for book-based self-study, here are some recommendations, most of which are available in the library, so it is not necessary to buy them (unless you wish to):

Grammaire en dialogues Niveau débutant, Claire Miquel + audio CD (448.2 LER)
Basic grammar integrated into dialogues, with practice exercises. There's also a vocabulary version.

501 French Verbs, C. and T. Kendris
A reference book of conjugations

Communication Progressive Du Francais (Niveau Débutant), Claire Miquel + CD-Rom
Help with situational-based language

Exercices De Vocabulaire En Contexte: Level 1/2, Broché, R Eluerd
Vocab development in context

Vocabulaire progressif du français avec 250 exercices, niveau débutant/intermédiare, Claire Miquel
Vocab development in the style of the grammar books you are using

Phonétique Progressive Du Francais, Lucile Charliaca + CD
Pronunciation help in the same style

Civilisation Progressive Du Francais: Avec 400 activites niveau débutant/intermédiare, C Carlo and M Causa
Focus on reading about French society and civilisation, with exercises

Access French 2 Support book+ CD
Mini-book with audio transcripts and CD if you want to replay any recordings covered in class

Better Reading in French, A Heminway
An intermediate level reading and vocabulary development book

And towards the end of the course:

Mot à mot, P Humberstone
An AS+ level vocabulary book

Upgrade your French, M Jubb
A review of key areas of French around A-level

Les lettres avec accents

Alt 130 = é

Alt 133 = à 
Alt 138 = è 
Alt 151 = ù
Alt 137 = ë
Alt 139 = ï
Alt 131 = â 
Alt 136 = ê 
Alt 140 = î
Alt 147 = ô
Alt 150 = û
Alt 135 = ç
Alt 156 = œ